I went to that place for a few conventions. It's a fucking dump. The city is a fucking dump. Even if I were still in, I would go anywhere but there for a convention.
Barrold Bonds
JoinedPosts by Barrold Bonds
Editorial | Keep level heads when negotiating Jehovah's Witnesses contract
by OrphanCrow ineditorial | keep level heads when negotiating jehovah's witnesses contract.
the cambria county war memorial arena has ended its current fiscal year about $18,000 in the black.
that’s a far cry from the anticipated loss of $27,000 that had been projected for the authority.that’s fantastic news, considering some years the facility posted losses of $200,000 or more.“we’re showing a positive business model,” steve st. john, arena general manager, told our dave sutor.
Why JW's Rave So Much About Conventions
by freemindfade in"it was so beautiful, we are truly blessed!
now, they also plaster these affirmations all over social media, "this is the best life", “so blessed”, “best convention”.. why the gushing?
have you ever heard anyone say, “mmmm it was ok”?
Barrold Bonds
"This convention was just what we needed"
"Food at the proper time"
"You can tell the slave is getting us ready for something coming soon"
Stuff said at every convention ever.
How did all these civilizations survive the flood?
by losthobbit inflood 2304 bc (http://creation.com/the-date-of-noahs-flood).
neolithic 8500-1500 bc (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/list_of_neolithic_cultures_of_china).
egyption dynasty 4 2613 to 2494 bc, dynasty 5: 2494 to 2345 bc, dynasty 6: 2345 - 2181 bc (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/list_of_ancient_egyptian_dynasties).
Barrold Bonds
*Archaeological find proves Bible right!* ---See the Bible is inspired!
*Archaeological find proves Bible wrong* --Well, man made dating methods are imperfect.
by Darryl ini was watching serena win yet another wimbledon title recently (congrats to her) but it got me to thinking about her for a moment.
she identifies herself as a jw and if you look up any info on her it will tell you that her religion is jw so that means that she herself and the rest of the world identifies her as a jw.. for those of us who are df'd as well as those of you who are about to be df'd what is the reason?
and what is the main difference between a df and a fade away?
Barrold Bonds
"I think I also said the normal publisher would be treated differently."
Well there's the problem. The Williams sisters ARE NOT PUBLISHERS. They may have been years and years ago but the sure as shit aren't now.
by Darryl ini was watching serena win yet another wimbledon title recently (congrats to her) but it got me to thinking about her for a moment.
she identifies herself as a jw and if you look up any info on her it will tell you that her religion is jw so that means that she herself and the rest of the world identifies her as a jw.. for those of us who are df'd as well as those of you who are about to be df'd what is the reason?
and what is the main difference between a df and a fade away?
Barrold Bonds
Darryl, you keep talking about what WT would do to OTHER people.
I'm going to state this as simply as possible: What should the WT do to the Williams sisters?
by Darryl ini was watching serena win yet another wimbledon title recently (congrats to her) but it got me to thinking about her for a moment.
she identifies herself as a jw and if you look up any info on her it will tell you that her religion is jw so that means that she herself and the rest of the world identifies her as a jw.. for those of us who are df'd as well as those of you who are about to be df'd what is the reason?
and what is the main difference between a df and a fade away?
Barrold Bonds
Darryl, what is WT supposed to do?
They can't be disfellowshipped or disassociated in absentia. They weren't even unbaptized publishers as far as I'm aware, so they can't be removed as one.
What can WT do?
by Darryl ini was watching serena win yet another wimbledon title recently (congrats to her) but it got me to thinking about her for a moment.
she identifies herself as a jw and if you look up any info on her it will tell you that her religion is jw so that means that she herself and the rest of the world identifies her as a jw.. for those of us who are df'd as well as those of you who are about to be df'd what is the reason?
and what is the main difference between a df and a fade away?
Barrold Bonds
Someone can identify with whatever religion they want.
The Williams sisters have never been baptized.
You can't be disfellowshipped OR disassociated if you've never been baptized.
Not really sure of the point of this thread. What is the WT org supposed to do with them?
Bethel Economy
by sp74bb inrevelation 6:6 kjv.
6 and i heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, a measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.. this prophecy starts to be true in south europe bethels..... according to our sources, bethel families have been asked to reduce their food allowance and even been informed that monthly contribution might not be paid.. meantime, one of these branches is sending millions of € every year as donation to other wt structures, not to mention the 7 digit number on their bank account.
bethel members are not blind ;).
Barrold Bonds
I'm calling bullshit on this one. You have made a lot of amazing claims but have offered zero proof in a lot your threads. You should start doing so.
Barrold Bonds
Bunker Video: Why No Concluding Scene?
by Wild_Thing ini was wondering why they ended the "bunker video" as they did ... with an armed militia finding the jws huddled in the corner of the basement ... fade to black.
the jws watching don't know what happened after that.
did they kill them?
Barrold Bonds
WTWizard, you need a new gimmick.